Item Duration


Oct 1, 2023
Hello, I followed the item duration directions given by bowie. I set duration and extduration with parsec and also set range from sql. But there was nothing in the statement about when it will end.

Here's what I did: I want to add a pet, costume and wing duration for 10 days. I wrote duration 864000 (that's 10 days) in CSV and set extduration to 1. I also set the range to 10 on the SQL table.
this is the part i don't understand. what do you mean by statement? aside from that, it sounds like you set it up properly.
So the description does not say the duration. What I mean is, it would be appropriate to say that the expiry date is not visible.
So the description does not say the duration. What I mean is, it would be appropriate to say that the expiry date is not visible.
it was last time i checked. are you sure the packet is being sent to the client? by default, the library doesn't support wings, so it's not gonna work for those anyhow, unless you change the code.
it was last time i checked. are you sure the packet is being sent to the client? by default, the library doesn't support wings, so it's not gonna work for those anyhow, unless you change the code.
How can I check or look? i don`t know the packet topic
the packets aren't in the log. i bet the code isn't injected. i would go to the addresses in item_duration.cpp and see if the detours are there.