#include <windows.h>
#include <include/main.h>
#include <include/util.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <include/shaiya/include/CWorld.h>
#include <include/shaiya/include/CZone.h>
using namespace shaiya;
namespace command_manager
std::string output;
int execute(const char* input, int cmd_case) {
std::istringstream stream(input);
std::vector<std::string> args;
std::string temp;
stream >> temp;
while (stream >> temp) {
switch (cmd_case) {
case 69:
auto map = std::stoi(args.at(0));
auto mobId = std::stoi(args.at(1));
auto count = std::stoi(args.at(2));
auto x = std::stof(args.at(3));
auto y = std::stof(args.at(4));
auto z = std::stof(args.at(5));
SVector position = { x, y, z };
shaiya::CZone::MobGen(CWorld::GetZone(map), mobId, count, &position);
std::stringstream output_format;
output_format << "Mob:" << mobId << " respawned at Map:" << map;
output = output_format.str();
return 0;
return 0;
return 1;
LPCSTR cmd_mmake = "/mmake";
unsigned u0x4F5BE0 = 0x4F5BE0;//SConsole::AddCommand
void __declspec(naked) naked_0x409459() {
__asm {
push 0x0
push - 0x1
push 0x6 // param count
push cmd_mmake
push 69 // switch case
mov ecx, esi
call u0x4F5BE0
originalcode :
pop esi
unsigned u0x409498 = 0x409498; // The address to return to for an unsuccessfully handled command.
unsigned u0x40B3D4 = 0x40B3D4; // The address to return to for a successful command.
void __declspec(naked) naked_0x40948F()
sub ebx,0x4024
push eax // switch case
push ebx // input
call command_manager::execute
add esp,8
test eax, eax
je write_output
originalcode :
cmp eax, 0x44
ja default_case
jmp u0x409498
push command_manager::output
push edi
call sprintf
add esp, 8
default_case :
jmp u0x40B3D4
void hook::command_manager()
util::detour((void*)0x409459, naked_0x409459, 5);
util::detour((void*)0x40948F, naked_0x40948F, 9);