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  1. melihxrist

    Level up from 65 to Max Level

    Hello, I did some research, but I didn't come across a solution to this problem - maybe I didn't see it- I got the same problem when I tried it with Bowie's files and the other normal file. Problem: My ExpDefs table has exp values as input. Between levels 60 and 70, all levels work properly...
  2. melihxrist

    Item Duration

    Hello, I followed the item duration directions given by bowie. I set duration and extduration with parsec and also set range from sql. But there was nothing in the statement about when it will end. Here's what I did: I want to add a pet, costume and wing duration for 10 days. I wrote duration...
  3. melihxrist

    [Release] shDeveloperPack

    Hello dear shaiya users, I would like to introduce you to the application I have been working on for a long time: shDeveloperPack I wanted to create an easy, practical and versatile application for developers and new developers. You will have the advantage of being able to instantly download the...